Master Your Body Mentorship

Kelly K, Age 61. Kelly and I worked together through my Master Your Body mentorship where I strategized & planned her journey from no strength training to consistently strength training 3 days a week. She shares how she used to get joint pain which dissipated as she consistently lifted weights.

Barbell Small Group Training

Mikhaela, Age 33, on how I made her feel welcome on her first day at my barbell workshop and how her confidence has elevated since started with me.

Barbell Small Group Training

Kirti, Age 27, started in my in person barbell small group training to learn how to powerlift covering the essentials of back squat, deadlift and bench press. This is how she found me and her experience with my coaching.

Barbell Small Group Training

Arline T, age 30, is one of the strong women in my barbell small group training crew that wanted to learn proper form and technique for powerlifting: bench, squat, deadlift, and military press. She's been in my barbell small group training for 4 months

Master Your Body Mentorship

Andrea H, Age 54. Andrea is one of my Master Your Body mentees who was determined to make strength training a regular part of her life and to take it to another strong level.

Personal Programming

Laurie SJ, Age 36, Laurie found me on the Daily Burn app where I coach classes via recorded workouts. We've been working together for 6 months when she recorded this. "I want to work with Tina for as long as possible. I even want my 5 year old daughter to work with her one day!"

We do online training which means I create a customized workout plan for her each month which she does on her own time while we check in with each other each week.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Carter, Age 65 is a Master Your Body mentee who has worked with me online for 3 months. It's her first time strength training. Listen to her experience with my online coaching and doing strength for the first time.

Personal Programming

Claire A, age 40, and I started working together during the early part of my training career at Equinox. Since then, we've been connected and now she trains with me as an online client where she follows a workout program I design for her,

In Person Personal Training

Aleeyah A, Age 40. We've done 3 months of in person training, meeting 3 times a week. This is how strength training with me has changed her life post pregnancy.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Chona N. Age 56, is not my typical client in that she and I are in the same business! Chona is an ex CrossFit Coach turned Nutrition Coach. She knows how to program and what exercises she should do but she feels more accountable and challenged with me designing her strength workouts. This is her experience training with me.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Becky O, Age 40, "I've worked with other trainers in the past and they either push to hard or don't progress me. Tina has figured out exactly what I need to be consistent."
Becky works with me through my Master Your Body coaching mentorship where I design a strength workout program specifically for her body & the equipment she has at home.

Personal Programming

Candice A, Age 39, Candice and I work together online where she follows the customized strength program I create for her. This was her first time doing something like this. Hear what her experience has been.

Personal Programming

Debra D, Age 72. When Debra started the online coaching with me, she was apprehensive that it would work. She had been used to working with in person trainers. Debra shares her unexpected appreciation for this new way of strength training following her custom designed independent workout.

Personal Programming

Vanisha M, Age 39. Vanisha and I have been working together for 7 years. We started our relationship with in person training at Equinox and she has followed me as I grew my business. We now work together remotely where she independently does her workouts follows the individualized workout program I create for her. She shares what it's like to work with me.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Beth M, Age 49. When Beth's family went on vacations, she was the "photographer" because she didn't have the energy to participate in physical activities. She noticed her teen daughter starting to choose to stay behind with mom. So, she started working with me in the Master Your Body 12 week mentorship program.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Anne S, Age 49, shares her experience remote training with me. Remote training is where I program her individualized workouts that she does independently on her own. In remote training, I check with with Anne weekly and keep her accountable while she exercises at the convenience of her own schedule.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Beth M, Age 49. When Beth's family went on vacations, she was the "photographer" because she didn't have the energy to participate in physical activities. She noticed her teen daughter starting to choose to stay behind with mom. So, she started working with me in the Master Your Body 12 week mentorship program.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Anne S, Age 49, shares her experience remote training with me. Remote training is where I program her individualized workouts that she does independently on her own. In remote training, I check with with Anne weekly and keep her accountable while she exercises at the convenience of her own schedule.

Master Your Body Mentorship

Katie S, Age 48. How remote training (when I program her individualized strength workouts), brought Katie to her first push up and created a consistent strength habit

Master Your Body Mentorship

Erin H, Age 41, Mom of 2 young kids, finishing grad school and working - how remote coaching with me has changed her life.

Personal Programming

Jenn C, Age 48. Sharing her experience working with me.

Personal Programming

Debbie T, Age 43 Debbie shares her experience remote training with me.
Remote training is where I program her individualized workouts that she does independently on her own. In remote training, I check with with Debbie weekly and keep her accountable while she exercises at the convenience of her own schedule.

Personal Programming

Amanda S, Age 31 Sharing her experience working with me.

Online Small Group Training

Alessia A, Age 31

Personal Programming

Hope L, Sharing her experiences (from Hong Kong) remote training with me.

Online Small Group Training

Anne Marie, Age 60 Anne Marie is a member of my live online strength classes and one of the strongest members. She shares how Straight Up Strong has changed her body.

In Person Personal Training

Amy B, Age 51, Amy is a very active woman who plays tennis weekly, goes to spin class religiously. She hates strength training and cannot get herself to do it on her own. Since working together, she's gotten stronger for her tennis game and sculpted muscles. At midlife, women need to make muscles to support the inevitability of aging bones. Amy knew this and is dedicated to meeting me 2x a week to lift weights.

In Person Personal Training

Laura L, Age 52. Laura and I have been working together since 2017. She was not working out when we first met. Her job as Executive Editor of a business magazine keeps her hours long. It was hard for her to get motivated to go to a class or the gym. Since we started, she is able to do push ups. She's also been honing her kettlebell skills, which was something she chose as a new skill.